The Formula To A Perfectly Optimized Landing Page

Digital marketing has now been one of the top strategies used by businesses to garner attention from their customers who wander on digital platforms to entertain themselves or to check products that they might want to buy. And a way to entice customers to know more about a product is by using a landing page – leading them toward the path to conversion or purchase of a product or service. 

Due to this, companies try to avail content marketing services to follow digital marketing trends in the Philippines– to increase the chance of getting more conversions from customers. Although creating landing pages is not that complicated, it has to be optimized to meet its conversion goals. 

According to a report by Hubspot, 48% of marketers make new landing pages for each of their marketing campaigns; however, only 52% of companies and agencies test their pages to find ways to improve conversion results.

Consequently, partnering with one of the lead generation companies in the Philippinescan help you hit your overall marketing goals by using a working formula to help you identify the essential elements of a perfectly optimized landing page. 

The formula to a landing page that converts revolve around your target audience and your page’s appearance. Creating a conversation with your customers lets them know how they can benefit from your offer. However, it does not only end with that. Instead, it continues with how you design your page – how your page’s appearance appeals to your customers – starting from the headline of your page, color and layout used in it, visual cues and content, and call-to-action button on your landing page. 

Other variables, such as page loading speed and navigation, can also affect your landing page’s conversion rates. Any delay in page load time can drive prospectors away from your site. Moreover, visitors of your page would rather have a logical flow of elements on a single page than have additional clicks to get to another page – making sure that your visitors move down to your call-to-action button and hopefully convert. 

Adding all these up can create a perfectly optimized landing page that will allow you to engage with website visitors and entice them to buy the product or service you offer. Accordingly, it is vital for your marketing and creative teams to work together on building a highly optimized landing page. This infographic of TopSEOs details the formula to a perfectly optimized landing page.

The Formula to a Perfectly Optimized Landing Page