How you can Manage the List of materials Within a Product Existence Cycle?

So why do I want a list of materials software to handle my BOMs?

If you’ve ever requested among the following questions, this publish might help.

What’s the current lifecycle status of the component utilized on my product?

Which products is really a particular component deployed on?

Which supplier includes a particular component available and it is the least expensive?

Which supplier includes a good status will be able to deal with?

What is the second source readily available for a particular component?

What is the possible substitute of the obsolete component?

What’s the distinction between two list of materials?

What’s the historic prices and accessibility to an element?

Which products share exactly the same component? and which version?

How you can search an element if I’m not sure it’s exact manufacturer part number?

Who altered that, when did they alter it, and just what did they alter?

How to deal with the surplus electronic component inventory? who wish to purchase it?

Where to discover a obsolete or difficult to find component?

Why it is so hard to be error free? Browse the common challenges of managing list of materials using stand out spreadsheet:

Problem: Obsolescence and Lifecycle

Why: If you cannot source a component, you cannot develop a product.

How: Instantly check obsolescence and availability information over time to create design changes or find alternatives

Problem: Availability and Prices

Why: Time intensive to go to multiple supplier websites, searching part figures and checking stock

How: Instantly compare real-time prices and stock information from multiple suppliers

Problem: Alternatives/Substitutes

Why: Time intensive to recognize possible alternative or substitute parts

How: Instantly find potential alternative/substitute parts

Problem: Data Fragmentation

Why: Unattainable important overviews and find out the large picture (i.e. total component quantities across multiple products)

How: Single databases, eliminate fragmentation

Problem: Where-Used

Why: Time intensive, error vulnerable to get an introduction to what component can be used which designs

How: Instantly see what product and version an element can be used on