Introducing 5G: Five Times the Power

5G is here with full force. The new next generation of networking landed the market in 2018-2019 and has continued to expand ever since.

From high-speed networking to the most advanced ecosystem the world has ever seen, 5G is the next revolutionary phase. It can connect billions of devices, cut the communication gap, and set new benchmarks for efficiency, power, and cost.

Although 5G cannot deliver speeds and power like fiber internet, it can greatly improve efficiency and connectivity for IoT. However, this is only a small piece of information on what 5G has to offer, and we are going to discuss more further in the article.

Understanding 5G

5G is the next iteration of cellular networks. It is up to 100 times faster than 4G and way more than its predecessors. As a result, 5G technology is unlocking new doors to a better, more sustainable network system for people and businesses.

Moreover, 5G cuts the latency rate from 200 milliseconds of 4G down to 1ms with 5G. And significantly improve connectivity and bandwidth power. 5G radio frequencies are much similar to what we have in our phones, Wi-Fi, or satellite connections but are more advanced. From no lag or delay to downloading anything in seconds, 5G can transform how we live, work and socialize daily.

Comparing Generations of Networking

From the early days, technology has undergone a paradigm shift and here are how the generations of cellular networks evolved.

Back in 1984, the 1st Generation of the cellular network was born. They offered brick-sized phones with limited connectivity between professionals mostly, and analog voice.

After that, in 1991, 2G made its way into the market and introduced digital voice and increased demand for mobile phones.

Entering the 21st century; in 2001, 3G technology gave a new face to how we connect and communicate with the power of mobile data.

Years later, in 2009, 4G improved the mobile network technology several folds with LTE connections.

Now all of those led to the birth of 5G in 2018 for commercial use, and 5G mobile networks launched in 2019. 5G combines the power of all previous generations and improves it many times over.

Benefits and Capabilities of 5G

5G cellular networks are capable of so much more than just increasing your browsing speed. It creates new openings for IoT and helps provide better solutions for everyone.

All in all, it can increase the speed of data capturing, transferring, and sharing across all devices, help prevent network breaches and give life to new groundbreaking technologies in all fields.

The following are a few of the amazing benefits that 5G has to offer.

  • For Infrastructure

5G is bringing innovation to societies, making them more advanced, smart, and sustainable.

  1. Next-gen systems in power plants to reduce carbon release.
  2. Advanced sensors and detectors can predict a disaster before it happens.
  3. Drones are becoming new transports and delivery persons.
  4. Better communicational power to promote on-call consultation, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • For Industries

5G is providing help to lay new foundations for better, faster, easy, and cost-effective solutions.

  1. Faster production, processing, and delivery within the industrial sector.
  2. Enhanced machine learning, artificial intelligence, and IoT.
  3. Security systems to detect failures, breakdowns, line problems, and personnel security.
  4. Making robots more capable of learning and understanding to decrease wastage.
  • For Experience and Learning

5G is helping to provide more enhanced learning and entertainment events.

  1. Smoother AR and VR technology with more capabilities.
  2. More immersive gaming and entertainment experience.
  3. Minimal ping and lag issues, even on crowded networks.
  4. Better reach for more responsive touch and sensor systems.
  • For Motor Vehicles

5G assists in making smart cars that can greatly increase security for vehicles and persons inside.

  1. Vehicle-to-vehicle communication to minimize jams and accidents.
  2. Vehicle-to-infrastructure sense reads and performs according to road conditions.
  3. Vehicle-to-pedestrian detection to decrease accidents and emergencies.
  4. Vehicle-to-network coordination to maintain a stable and secure network ecosystem.

What Else to Know About?

5G technology is already hitting many major cities and has spread across 70-plus countries. And more than 1000 5G devices are available in the market from various vendors. AT&T has set up 15 5G phones, whereas Verizon has 20 5G enabled devices. Likewise, Samsung has also launched 5G capable phones, and in October of 2020, Apple launched their new 5G iPhones. These are only a few names, and many more are yet to come. Which one are you most excited about?

Final Words

5G technology is here to stay. This new technology is changing the world as we speak. With more groundbreaking advancements left to come, the concept of rural internet was far-fetched, but now it is within reach of the power, speed, and range of 5G. It gives more power to the internet of things and makes them faster and more powerful.